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A picture is worth a 1,000 words.
Check out some of our space organization projects below...

Client's result from working remotely with Nathalie

…and some testimonials from our satisfied clients.

Monique Caissie's Testimonial
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"Before working with Nathalie, I felt ashamed that I couldn't keep my house clean even though I always felt overwhelmed.  I was always feeling guilty about it.  I felt bad every time a friend of my daughter's came to the house.  I work hard to not feel like that anymore, but it's difficult.  I had a lot of difficulty having a routine and for the moment, it's still a little chaotic because I don't have a fixed schedule at work and my daughters will be on school holidays soon.  However, with what Nathalie helps me set up, that is to say, a task table, a menu and, above all, learning to use an agenda properly and to bring it with me everywhere, will allow me to regain control of what I can control, reduce my stress and anxiety, increase my confidence and self-esteem.  Since I started working with her, I've seen the light at the end of the tunnel.  I feel understood and not judged.  The work is long, even very long, but I have confidence in the results. All the work will also benefit my whole family. This will generate lots of positivity, better mornings, reduce my stress and anxiety. I am very grateful to life for putting this person on my path. I am still ADHD, dyslexic with dysorthography but happy and confident."

- Patricia Hebert, Early Childhood Educator 

"I want to tell others about my journey in the hope that it might help them to progress and see that it is not necessary to stay in the hell of ADHD. We can change and improve our situation once we develop our skills!"

- Michale R., Entrepreneur

"I wanted to start planning for the major transitions in my life over the next five years, and I realized that I would need the help of experts to sort through all the elements (including the move from North America to Europe!). I immediately took the opportunity to work with Nathalie because I knew she was a lucid, practical and understanding professional. From our first session, it guided me to focus on the most critical tasks and, in two days, I obtained a list of the top ten actions I could take immediately to move forward. Nathalie also took a lot of time to help me prepare a specific strategy to manage some potentially difficult discussions I would need to have with one of my business partners about my plans. In addition, she has provided me with excellent resources to consult - books, podcasts, websites and applications - and she continues to send quick emails whenever she finds something that she thinks may be relevant to me. 


       With the competent help of Nathalie, I am now on the right path to my new life! "

- M.R., Cinema Production

"I stopped taking medication (because of the side effects).  It was a struggle, because I definitely found my "old brain",
but I was saved many times by the logbook and the strategies I learned from Nathalie! "

- Anonymous

"Quick shout out to Nathalie Pedicelli, the #ADHD #organizer extraordinaire. In one session, she demystified a personalized color coding for my file system. Believe me, I couldn't do this on my own! I really tried! No other system felt natural so it was exhausting to remember the system and, whatever system I used, I needed notes to refer to and would lose them and be up shits creek again. Every time. So, because this new system evolved from our conversation and how I think, it makes complete sense to my weird, "Atypical Brain".

Sitting here, away from my notes, I now know how I will tag and file things. Her personalized process is about co-creating something simple enough to follow through which is personally meaningful, so we don't forget the system.  I grabbed one of her summer specials to tackle my business papers and admin. Super pumped to be working with her to sort out my mountain of projects and papers and agenda, to have a more productive and profitable September."

- Monique Caissie, Speaker & Communications Coach

"Thanks again for your help.  It’s like 50 lbs off my shoulders.  Now I only have 20 more to go."

- S.H., Real Estate Agent

"I met Nathalie at a networking breakfast.  I had a “one to one” meeting with her at her place not long after we met. I could not believe how organized everything was at her place.  She started talking to me about ADHD.  She described different behaviors and I started recognizing my husband in pretty much everything she was saying.  She went and got a small book for me to read.  It took me about 5 minutes to read it and I started crying.  I have been with my husband for 21 years and I had been complaining about all kinds of things and I felt really bad…I felt bad that all those years, I misunderstood him. I went home with this in my head.  How to bring it up to him? 


I slowly started to talk about how I had met Nathalie and what we had talked about and how I thought that maybe, he had ADHD.  He got mad and said he had no disease. That broke my heart.  Again, I made him feel misunderstood.  Nathalie had told me something that I used to explain to him how I saw things.  Most people’s mind work in a way and his worked in a “super power” kind of way.  I told him how creative he was, how he could come up with new promotions at work that no one else could come up with. How he always saw things in a different angle.  How he was fantastic at picking up on tiny details that in the end made a huge difference in certain situations.  Most people’s mind compare to a straight forward car taking you from A to B but his, compared to a Ferrari!   


I slowly started to change to way I approached him.  For instance, I was talking to him over supper while the TV was on.  I had not even noticed that it was on.  He kept looking at it and I could tell he was struggling to listen to us both at the same time.  Before meeting Nathalie, I would have gotten annoyed at him for choosing to listen to the TV instead of me.  But knowing what I now knew, I touched his hand and said: “Would you like me to turn it off?” He agreed.  It took me 1 minute to get his full attention.  I knew I had scored points there.  I could tell he felt much better about my reaction that if I would have started nagging. 


As the days and weeks went by, I started making jokes to him.  You know how you ask a kid something very simple like: “Go put your shoes away.” and they don’t come back after 5 minutes?  By then you realize that they are running after a butterfly!!!  Well, that’s what I started calling the things and events that would take him off his focus: Butterflies!  We still do that and we both laugh at it now. 


I now understand why in the time he goes to get a tomato at the grocery store, I have enough time to get the milk, the butter, the bread and the meat.  You would be surprised how many butterflies a grocery store can contain!  He will be in front of the pile of tomatoes and hear a conversation behind him.  Without him even noticing, he’ll be listening to the conversation while trying to pick the most perfect tomato! 


I understand that if I want things done in the house, I need to let him know exactly what has to be done and in what order.  Otherwise, he’ll start the vacuum cleaner, and I’ll have time to do the bathrooms and the kitchen before he is done.  All that because of butterflies AKA a glass on the night stand that needs to go in the dishwasher, a sock that should have been in the load that is in the washing machine on the first floor, the plant that needs to be watered, a book that goes on a shelf in the living room, etc. 


When we are watching a movie and right in the middle of it, he notices that the door to the fireplace is crooked (and I can’t even tell), I understand that it is faster to pause the movie, listen to him, have him check the door then put the movie back on.  Before, I would have told him that the door is straight.  We would have argued over the damn door, he still would have checked it while I would have been trying to keep watching the movie, etc.  Now, I give him 5 minutes to talk to me about his butterfly and then we keep watching the movie. 


I could keep going with examples but the fact and the matter is, I am a much happier woman, my husband is a much happier man and that makes us a much happier couple!  All that because on February 2nd 2016, I met with a very special person, Nathalie Pedicelli."

- A.L., Sales Associate

"Before working with Nathalie, I felt frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious and blocked about doing work in my office space. I couldn't start my work and I was always afraid to go to my office. I avoided it for about two years. I even tried to organize myself by listening to podcasts, videos, books on de-cluttering and looking for articles on the Internet for tips and advice.

ideas on how to get organized, but I still felt I couldn't move forward.

After working with Nathalie, I was able to find my space, find order

in my papers and put in place processes that make sense!

Now I am enthusiastic about working and less overwhelmed by what needs to be done. 

I loved working with Natalie! What used to take me 8 hours now only takes 2 hours.

I strongly recommend working with Nathalie at all times.

It has been the best investment for my company and for my life as a whole;

It's worth every dollar! »

- Daniela Sanalitro, Mindset Coach, Free 2BU

"It's amazing how much space I inherited and really how much easier it is to see what I have and what I'm low on.  I'm impressed!  My pantry is deep so normally I stack  pile everything in the back and I forget what's back there and it's always a mess.  Now, I have two rows, a back and a front.  I'm laughing at myself because instead of closing my cupboard doors, I'm leaving them open so I can just stare in. 
What a change from avoiding visuals to can't get enough visuals!" 

- Rosanna Di Tomasso, Administrative Assistant

"if you want to get control of your life, you've GOT to call Nathalie.  Within 1 day, she helped me clear out years of clutter and make my home office a functional, neat and work-friendly environment; a place which I had previously avoided like the plague. She is an amazingly efficient, helpful and friendly professional. I would highly recommend her. 
 Since Nathalie came to organize my workspace, I find it much easier to stay on task.  My husband is really appreciates having his kitchen counter surface back.  What I thought would take me 6 months to organize, took one day with you to show me how and why I should do things a certain way.  It was all I needed to get inspired to go do some of the other areas of my house.  Her services have been priceless for me.  She not only saved me one hour per day of time wasted looking for things but more importantly, my sanity!"

- Heidi Holfelder, Dog Groomer

"Loving the new fridge design. More importantly , my husband loves it! 

A shout out to Nathalie Pedicelli who organized my fridge today with the new Tupperware system. We are looking forward to less chaos, fresher produce and no hidden surprise sat the back of the fridge. 
I highly recommend her services!"

- B.H.,  Author, Speaker & Business Coach

"I walked down the hallway towards the office, and I felt my stomach constrict. I stopped and thought,
'What the heck is that all about? And why does it feel so familiar?' Then I realized that I’ve had that feeling every time I walked near my messy office. What a revelation! (...) 
Last Summer, I hired office organizer, Nathalie Pedicelli. 
She was so great!  She helped me quickly sort things into categories.  
The job of de-cluttering is all about bite-sized lumps..."  


- Elizabeth Johnston, Creative Writer, Own Your Creativity

" I originally purchsed a set of 4 Tupperware FridgeSmart containers from Nathalie 3 months ago to organize my refrigerator.  After only 1 week, I was so thrilled with how clean my fridge stayed and the way it looked that I decided to get another set.  My initial investment in the containers has already been paid back in savings and my produce stays fresher way longer.  I used to throw out at least $10 worth of fruit & vegetables every week. 
Now my fridge looks fantastic.  It’s so easy to find things now!” 

- J.O., Nurse

"When we do the exercise of calculating how much it can cost and how much space we lose,
we quickly and radically realize where we can regain control and at the same time improve our quality of life as much financially as the space in which we live and work. "

- France Lachapelle, Social Worker

“After hearing my frustration with having to throw out half of my container of boxed lettuce into the trash days after purchasing it, Nathalie proposed I try a Tupperware FridgeSmart container.  Even though I wasn’t totally convinced at the time, I decided to give it a try.  Whereas I used to throw out lettuce every week, I have yet to throw out any lettuce in the 5 months since I have been using the FridgeSmart container.  
In just a month’s time, my initial investment has been paid back!” 

- Diana Lidstone, Marketing Coach, The Entrepreneur's GPS

"Sharing the love ...helping and inspiring others on their journeys. A year ago I was on another path and this event helped me see another that was possible. All thanks to Nathalie Pedicelli who invited me as her guest. 
Thank you Nathalie! It's my turn to do the same... "

- Nathalie Choo-Foo, Reiki Master

"Nathalie is amazing. Like a real magician. She listens to your needs & challenges & finds solutions fast. She is also very generous. She transformed my office & parts of my house. It is such a nice feeling to walk in a well organised room. Did I say she is amazing, she really is. Thanks Nath!"

- Élizabeth Peladeau, Vidéographer & Coach, Lion Zest

"Nathalie helped me see the forest for the trees. She was able to focus and guide me toward the path I so longed to take but could not find the entrance. Thanks to her, my professional life is on the right track." 

- Isabelle Bakran, Naturopath, Living Healthy and Green

“Before I met with Nathalie, my relationship with my boyfriend was filled 

with frustration, misunderstandings and blowouts.    Nathalie changed my life.   

After spending just one hour with her, I learned how his ADHD affects him and we now communicate effectively, share openly and I can support him in all his objectives and goals.  

We are now a loving couple that flourishes in all situations.  Thank you Nathalie.”   

- A. Evans, Business Coach

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© 2025 Organize.Thrive.Monetize.  by Métamorphoses Organisation 

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